Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chick-Fil-A, Pumpkin and Snow

Hello Friends! Long time no update.... I know! How can a person who just moved to a new city and started a new job be so busy? Below are some random updates on our crazy life.

Chick-Fil-A gave away FREE breakfast a few weeks ago... just plain old free breakfast whatever you wanted off the breakfast menu. Being that we LOVE chick-fil-a we were sold on the idea. I have to say, it was the best fast food breakfast I've ever had. A girl in our new community group is the marketing manager at the store right by our house, so we see her often see her when we go. Come visit us in Denver and we'll all go to Chick-Fil-A together!

Also, in case you haven't heard, it's pumpkin spice time! I know, I know, it's already October 16 so pumpkin stuff is everywhere by now but I took a picture of my first pumpkin drink of the season. It's a pumpkin spice americano misto. Have you ever heard of that? I hadn't, but I told the barista I was deciding between an americano and latte and she suggested this. It's an americano but half water and half milk. It was good, try it.

Finally, it SNOWED! Are you kidding me? One day it's 80 degrees and I'm sitting outside reading a book, soaking up the sun. Two days later it was 30 degrees and we woke up to snow! The weather here is crazy because as I write this, it is currently sunny and 73 degrees. For everyone wondering if the sun pretty much shines everyday here: IT DOES! Come join us!

More updates to come including (I know I promised this last time) pictures of my cube, it's just not decorated yet! Also, more to come on PUMPKIN SEASON!

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